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Dežurna ustanova
Koste Jovanovića 87



Bul. Oslobođenja 155
Bul. Oslobođenja 165
Kneginje Zorke 7
Palmira Toljatija 1

Prof. dr Predrag Stanković

Prof. dr Predrag Stanković

Prof. dr Predrag Stanković

Education and degrees
May, 1980; M.D. Degree School of Medicine University of Belgrade
January, 1989; Master of Science Degree in Oncology School of Medicine University of
March, 1989; Residency, Otorhinolaryngology School of Medicine University of Belgrade
June, 1994; Residency, Phoniatry School of Medicine University of Belgrade
June, 1997; PhD Degree in Phoniatry School of Medicine University of Belgrade

Work experience
Work in Institute of ENT and MF Surgery Clinical Center of Serbia from February,1983 and in
School of Medicine University of Belgrade from December 1989

Fellowships and research visits

  • Longer
    1986. Universitatsspital Zurich, Otorhinolaryngologishe Klinik,
    1989. Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Klinik und Poliklinik fur Hals-Nasen Ohrenkranke
    1996. University of California, Irwine, ENT department
    2002. University Antony fon Lewenhook, ENT department Amsterdam
  • Shorter
    Paris (1988-2008), Sidney (1996), Bejing and Hong Kong (1997), Berlin (2000), Wiena (2007),
    Thessaloniki (2008).

1980. Serbian Medical Society
1991. French Society of ENT and MF Pathology
2008. European Society of laryngology

190 articles, 85 articles first author

Foregin language

+381 65 309 1000

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Dostupnost: od 07 do 22h

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Bulevar Oslobođenja 155 (*dostupni od 8h do 22h)
Bulevar Oslobođenja 165
Kneginje Zorke 7
Palmira Toljatija 1

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